Est. 2011

W. H. Chaplin

Founded 1867

W H Chaplin was an old traditional wine merchant in Sussex probably based in Worthing and sometime of the City.

We do not know more of this Wine merchant

Chaplin Vintages:1945

Vintage Port tasting notes:

ColourStill rather dark but beautiful mature yellow in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetDried fruit. Crème caramel, toffee, figs, fudge, coffee, cacao, dark chocolate and old grocery shop. Wonderful bouquet.Score range18.00 - 18.00
TasteQuite full-bodied. Mature and peaking. Very tasty with dry fruit, figs, cacao and much more in the mouth. Balanced, complex and very elegant with a very attractive and very long finish. What a wonderful port indeed! This is life!Average score
Last tasted26th December 2015Point this date18.00
CommentAt home with the family.
TastersSAI, JB, SS

Last tasted:

8th February
Calem 2010
7th February
Fonseca-Guimaraens 1988
2nd February
Quinta de Vargellas
Taylor 1998
1st February
Graham 1985
26th January
C. da Silva 2011
25th January
Cockburn 1991
Dow 1977
Quarles Harris 1977
22nd January
Fonseca 1963
19th January
Quinta do Javali 2004
Quinta do Noval 2001


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