We would like to thank you all for visiting our web site and for all supPORT. Last year was fantastic with more visitors than we could ever dream of. We had around 19.000 visitors during 2012 from 94 different countries. December is as you know a great month for drinking Port and during this month we had 3556 visitors from 67 countries with a peak at Christmas Eve with 271 visitors! On the 15th of January we reached 100 different countries visiting us and now in the end of January 107 countries have done a visit. Please continue sending suggestions so we can improve our web site. We appreciate all the positive feedback and will continue to evolve the web site with more information and more features in the future. And don’t worry; we will continue to provide all this for free!
We have changed the web site so you can now add comments and answer our posts directly on the page.
During summer we had a Calem from 1933 where the label told us that the vintage was from two different quintas: Quinta da Foz and Quinta Santo Antonio. Have anyone seen two different quintas on the same label before? We cannot remember seeing such a Double Quinta Vintage Port before.