Est. 2011


M Bulas Cruz

Founded 1951
Owner Maria Gabriel and José Afonso Bulas Cruz
Vineyards Quinta da Costa de Baixo, Quinta Foz Ceira
Vintage Port Brands Bulas, FozCeira

The Bulas wines are made by the siblings Maria Gabriel and José Afonso Bulas Cruz. They own Quinta da Costa de Baixo which was purchased by their late father, José Bulas Cruz, in 1951.

Both their vineyards are included in Pombals landmarks from 1756.

Bulas Vintages:2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
Bulas (Special Edition) Vintages:2017
Bulas Demarcação Vintages:2006
FozCeira Vintages:2006

Vintage Port tasting notes:

ColourStill almost black in colour.Number of tastings4
BouquetBlackberry, mulberry and black cherry in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Immature with lots of tannins. Blackberry in taste and loaded with fruit. Balanced. A long and attractive finish. Quite impressive and will be interesting to follow.
Last tasted2nd November 2015Rating this dateImpressive/ Very impressive
CommentAt the Port Wine Festival in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourDark blue in colour with just a hint of a yellow edge,Number of tastings3
BouquetLiquorice, sweetmeats, some butterscotch, chocolate, toffee and cacao in the nose.Score range15.40 - 15.50
TasteMedium body. Still a little immature but quite elegant and rather tasty. Very sweet. Liquorice and sweetmeats in taste. Balanced port with a rather attractive finish. Very easy to drink today.Average score15.45
Last tasted21st August 2022Point this date15.40
CommentTasted at home with the family.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourDark blue in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetDark berry, mulberry and blackberry in the nose
TasteMedium body. Immature and lots of tannin but balanced loaded with fruit and berry and quite sweet port with an quite attractive finish.
Last tasted6th November 2017Rating this dateVery Good/ Impressive
CommentAt the Port Wine Festival in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourDark ruby almost black in colour.Number of tastings2
BouquetMulberry, blackberry, fresh fruit and dark berry in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Immature with lots of tannin but completely balanced. Easy to enjoy today. Mulberry, blackberry and loaded with fruit in taste. A quite fat port with a very attractive finish.
Last tasted2nd March 2019Rating this dateVery Good/ Impressive
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Fair in Roskilde, Denmark.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourDark ruby in colour.Number of tastings2
BouquetMulberry, blackberry, mint and pepper in the nose.
TasteLovely body. Immature with quite soft, very delicate and balanced tannin. Easy to drink and appreciate. Loaded with fruit, mint and spiciness in taste with a complex and tasty finish. What will be?
Last tasted30th November 2018Rating this dateImpressive
CommentAt the Port Wine Festival in Leverkusen, Germany.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourDark ruby in colour.Number of tastings3
BouquetDark berries such as dark cherry, mulberry and blackberry in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Balanced with lots of dark cherry blackberry and mulberry in taste. Easy to drink and enjoy already today with an elegant and quite complex finish. Will be exciting to follow.
Last tasted26th November 2021Rating this dateImpressive
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Leverkusen, Germany.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
HouseBulas Special EditionVintage2017
ColourDark ruby in colour.Number of tastings2
BouquetDark cherry, dark berry and dark fruit in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Soft tannins. Balanced and easy to drink and enjoy already today with dark berries and fruit in taste. The finish is quite elegant and rather long.
Last tasted29th February 2020Rating this dateVery Good
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Fair in Roskilde, Denmark.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourDark ruby in colourNumber of tastings1
BouquetDark berries such as mulberry, dark cherry, black berry and mature fruit in the nose
TasteMedium body quite enjoyable already today due to round and lovely tannins but will of course improve. Quite tasty and elegant with a rather long finish.
Last tasted7th November 2022Rating this dateVery Good
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Copenhagen, Denmark

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourDark ruby in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetDark berries such as mulberry and blackberry and some grape juice in the nose.
TasteSweet, medium body and balanced. Dark berry and some liquorice in the taste. A lot of tannins. Easy to drink and enjoy already today with an elegant and quite complex finish.
Last tasted26th November 2021Rating this dateVery good
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Leverkusen, Germany.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive

Last tasted:

20th March
Burmester 1890
Wiese & Krohn 1963
8th March
Vista Alegre 2012
7th March
Niepoort 2003
6th March
Fonseca 1985
4th March
Niepoort 1980
Niepoort 1983
Niepoort 1987
Niepoort 1997
Niepoort 2000


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