Est. 2011

Henry Cabot Lodge

Henry Cabot Lodge (1850 - 1924) was an American Republican Senator and historian from Massachusetts. He had a PhD in history from Harvard and was a long-time friend and confidant of Theodore Roosevelt. Lodge had the role of the first Senate Majority Leader. He is probably best known for his involvement in foreign policy, especially his battle with President Wilson in 1919 over the Treaty of Versailles.

He was the grandfather of Henry Cabot Lodge Jr (July 5,1902-February 27, 1985).

In 1924, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr graduated from Harvard University. In November 1936, Lodge was elected to the U.S. Senate as Republican. He served from January 1937 to February 1944 when he took part in World War II. In 1946 Lodge returned to the Senate. He persuades Eisenhower to run for the Republican presidential nomination. Lodge served as his campaign manager. In November 1952 Lodge was defeated by John F. Kennedy in the election for the Senate. Lodge was named U.S. ambassador to the United Nation in 1953 which he left in 1960 to run for Vice President under Nixon's nomination as President (against John F. Kennedy).

The Cabot Lodges of Massachusetts imported significant quantities of vintage Madeira and Port Wine. Some of the Madeiras and Ports were sold at Sotheby's, and that is also where our bottles were bought.

Old Colheita/Tawny tasting notes:

From estate of deceased
Henry Cabot Lodge Sr.
ColourClouded tawny in colour and very light.Number of tastings1
BouquetShy and alcoholic in the nose. Not attractive at allBottled
TasteHardly medium body. Alcoholic and not good at all. Shot unattractive finish. Terrible port. As dull as politicians often are.Score range
Last tasted6th March 1992Point this date8.00
CommentThis bottle was sold at Sotheby in December 1991.
In the catalogue it was said that the Port were from around 1880 and have been enjoyed during the 1930s and 1940s in Cabot Lodge home of him, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill.
From estate of deceased
Henry Cabot Lodge Sr.
ColourBeautiful tawny and brilliant in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetLovely bouquet of toffee, cream candy, burned sugar, butter scotch, roasted coffee and some nuts in the nose.Bottled
TasteMature and peaked with some old completely balanced acidity. Very tasty with toffee, burned sugar, butterscotch and roasted coffee in taste. Quite dry with still with an attractive and quite long finishScore range
Last tasted10th September 2018Point this date16.50
CommentThis bottle was sold at Sotheby in December 1991.
In the catalogue it was said that the Port were from around 1880 and have been enjoyed during the 1930th and 1940th in Cabot Lodge Jr. home of him, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill. The bottle had belong to Henry Cabot Lodge Sr. This bottle was another bottle quite different in shape from the one above.
TastersSAI, JB, SS

Last tasted:

8th February
Calem 2010
7th February
Fonseca-Guimaraens 1988
2nd February
Quinta de Vargellas
Taylor 1998
1st February
Graham 1985
26th January
C. da Silva 2011
25th January
Cockburn 1991
Dow 1977
Quarles Harris 1977
22nd January
Fonseca 1963
19th January
Quinta do Javali 2004
Quinta do Noval 2001


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