Est. 2011

Quinta dos Corvos

Owner Jaime Acacio Queiroz Cardoso

Recorded on the first wine “de Feitoria” zoning (1756 by Marquês de Pombal). It was aquired in 1989 by Jaime Acácio Queiroz Cardoso who also owns Quinta do Estanho, Quinta dos Corvos is located in Sabrosa, on the right bank of the Pinhão river.

Quinta dos Corvos Vintages:1996, 1997, 2000, 2008, 2014, 2016

Vintage Port tasting notes:

HouseQuinta dos CorvosVintage1996
ColourYellow mature in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetBitter chocolate, dark berry, blue mature plums and some spiciness in the nose.Score range16.00 - 16.00
TasteMedium body. Rather mature but will probably be better. Balanced and rather elegant with dark berry and very mature plums in taste. The finish is quite nice and it is easy to enjoy the port.Average score
Last tasted18th June 2018Point this date16.00
CommentAt Quinta dos Corvos’s lodge in Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
HouseQuinta dos CorvosVintage1997
ColourVery yellow almost tawny in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetMature bouquet with cream candy, crème caramel, candy, coffee, raisin, dark chocolate, some coffee and some oak in the nose.Score range16.40 - 16.40
TasteMedium body. Mature and peaking. Balanced and quite elegant with still some very soft tannin Easy to drink with a taste of cream candy, candy, cacao, chocolate and raisin and an elegant finish.Average score
Last tasted22nd June 2018Point this date16.40
CommentAt our apartment in the Douro Valley, Portugal.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
HouseQuinta dos CorvosVintage2000
ColourStill quite dark but yellow mature in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetDark fruit, dark berry such as mulberry and blackberry and mature plums in the nose.Score range16.25 - 16.25
TasteMedium body. Still a lot of tannin and will be better. Balanced and sweet. Dark berry and mature plums in taste but with a rather shot but nice finish. Easy to drink indeed.Average score
Last tasted19th June 2018Point this date16.25
CommentAt Quinta dos Corvos’s lodge in Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal.
TastersSAI, JB, SS

Last tasted:

20th March
Burmester 1890
Wiese & Krohn 1963
8th March
Vista Alegre 2012
7th March
Niepoort 2003
6th March
Fonseca 1985
4th March
Niepoort 1980
Niepoort 1983
Niepoort 1987
Niepoort 1997
Niepoort 2000


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