Est. 2011

Quinta do Roncao

Quinta do Roncao

Former belonging to Robertson Brothers.

Quinta do Roncao, an excellent vineyard east of Pinhao, was bought of Robertson Brothers in 1893. It was used in Robertson vintage port Rebello Valente and also in certain years declared as a Single Quinta Vintage Port. When Sandeman bought Robertson Brothers in 1953 this quinta was not included.

Quinta do Roncao Vintages:1870 (Feuerheerd), 1873 (Feuerheerd), 1902* (Robertson), 1928* (Robertson), 1929* (Robertson), 1931 (Robertson), 1934 (Robertson), 1937* (Robertson), 1942 (Robertson), 1945 (Robertson), 1947 (Robertson), 1949 (Robertson), 1963 (Borges), 1979

Vintage Port tasting notes:

HouseQuinta do Roncao
Rebello Valente
ColourMature and beautiful, almost tawny in colour.Number of tastings2
BouquetLovely nose of cream candy, crème caramel, toffee, roasted coffee, and burned sugar in the nose.Score range17.25 - 17.50
TasteLovely body. Mature port and peaking. Balanced and very sweet and tasty, dominated of cream candy, toffee, roasted coffee and burned sugar. Very complex and elegant and a very long, intensive and sweet finish which never seem to end. Wonderful port indeed.Average score17.38
Last tasted24th February 2024Point this date17.25
CommentTasted at home with the family.
This bottle belongs to Gerda and Ole Vesterdal Private Collection.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
HouseQuinta do Roncao
ColourMature tawny in colour.Number of tastings3
BouquetLovely crème caramel burned sugar, fudge, toffee, candy and old grocery shop in the nose. Wonderful bouquet!Score range16.75 - 17.40
TasteQuite full-bodied. Elegant and mature but still in a way peaking. Sweet with toffee, and burned sugar in the flavour. Very complex and balanced with a wonderful finish. Excellent port.Average score17.05
Last tasted18th April 2013Point this date17.40
CommentAt the Wine Society 18% Great Tasting in Malmö.

In 2013 this vintage took part in a Great Tasting in the Wine Society 18%. For points and ranking see Great Tastings.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
HouseQuinta do Roncao
ColourMature tawny in colour.Number of tastings2
BouquetLovely crème caramel and burned sugar in the nose.Score range15.00 - 15.90
TasteMedium body. Mature and a little old in flavour Elegant and light with a nice and good finish.Average score15.45
Last tasted4th November 2001Point this date15.90
CommentAt the Danish Port Wine Club est. 1981 tasting in Copenhagen.
TastersSAI, JB, SS

Last tasted:

20th March
Burmester 1890
Wiese & Krohn 1963
8th March
Vista Alegre 2012
7th March
Niepoort 2003
6th March
Fonseca 1985
4th March
Niepoort 1980
Niepoort 1983
Niepoort 1987
Niepoort 1997
Niepoort 2000


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