Est. 2011

Quinta do Sairrão

Quinta do Sairrão - Sociedade Agricola LDA.

Founded 2006
Owner Sogrape
Vineyards Quinta do Picoto, Vale da Silveira, da Rocha, do Calanca, do Barroso, do Sobreiral and Sairrao e Fontes Secas

Quinta do Sairrão was created out of eight separate quintas; Quinta do Picoto, Vale da Silveira, da Rocha, do Calanca, do Barroso, do Sobreiral, Sairrão and Fontes Secas. The quinta was acquired by Sogrape in 2006.

Quinta do Sairrao Vintages:1999, 2003

Vintage Port tasting notes:

HouseQuinta do SairraoVintage1999
ColourStill quite dark with a yellow mature colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetDark chocolate, cacao, plums, some cinnamon and liquorice in the noseScore range15.40 - 15.40
TasteMedium body. Mature and peaking. Will not be better. Balanced and rather complex. Dark chocolate and liquorice in teste. Interesting and quite nice finish.Average score15.40
Last tasted10th April 2016Point this date15.40
CommentAt home with the family.
TastersSAI, JB, SS

Last tasted:

20th March
Burmester 1890
Wiese & Krohn 1963
8th March
Vista Alegre 2012
7th March
Niepoort 2003
6th March
Fonseca 1985
4th March
Niepoort 1980
Niepoort 1983
Niepoort 1987
Niepoort 1997
Niepoort 2000


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