Est. 2011

Quinta Santa Eufémia

Sociedade Vitivinicola da Quinta de Santa Eufémia Lda

Founded 1864
Owner The fourth generation of the Carvalho family
Vintage Port Brands Quinta Santa Eufemia, Quinta dos Eirados, Eirados

Quinta de Santa Eufémia was founded 1864 by Bernardo Rodrigues de Carvalho. In 1990 Quinta Santa Eufemia was divided in two Parts:

  • Sociedade Vitivinicola Quinta Santa Eufémia Lda, that use the brand Quinta Santa Eufémia, and is managed by the fourth generation of the family.
  • Casa de Santa Eufémia, owned by José da Silva Viseu de Carvalho, the third generation of the family.
  • They have mainly produced tawny but have a white port from 1973 and now also start vintage port production.

    Quinta de Santa Eufemia is now managed by the fourth generation of the family - seven great-grandchildren who have been producing Port Wines since 1994.

    Quinta Santa Eufemia Vintages:1999, 2001, 2007, 2008, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
    Eirados Vintages:2007, 2008
    Quinta dos Eirados Vintages:1999

    Vintage Port tasting notes:

    HouseQuinta de Santa EufemiaVintage1999
    ColourVery dark nearly blue in colour.Number of tastings2
    BouquetDark cherry, mulberry and dried fruit in the nose.Score range14.90 - 15.50
    TasteMedium body. Very fruity in flavour. Immature but with a hint of volatile acidity. Yet quite balance Easy to swallow and like and with a nice finish.Average score15.20
    Last tasted8th September 2014Point this date14.90
    CommentIn Quinta de Santa Eufemia’s lodge at the trip to Oporto – Douro, Portugal with the Port Wine Club est. 1981 in Copenhagen.
    TastersSAI, JB, SS
    HouseQuinta de Santa EufemiaVintage2007
    ColourDark ruby, almost black in colour.Number of tastings3
    BouquetDark berry, dark cherry, blackberry, loaded with fruit and lots of sweet liquorice in the nose. Very attractive bouquetScore range15.25 - 15.90
    TasteMedium body. Dark cherry. Black berry and liquorice in flavour. Quite dry with elegant tannins but not so long finish. Very easy to drink and appreciate!Average score15.52
    Last tasted4th August 2020Point this date15.90
    CommentTasted at home with the family.
    TastersSAI, JB, SS
    HouseQuinta de Santa EufemiaVintage2008
    ColourDark blue in colour.Number of tastings3
    BouquetBlackberry, mulberry and toffee in the nose. Some green herbs and liquorice.Score range15.40 - 15.75
    TasteMedium body. Blackberry and mulberry in taste. Rather soft tannins, sweet. Modern style port. Medium length with good balance.Average score15.55
    Last tasted20th February 2017Point this date15.50
    CommentAt the Restaurant Atmosfär in Malmö, Sweden.
    TastersSAI, JB, SS
    HouseQuinta de Santa EufemiaVintage2014
    ColourDark ruby and still almost black in colour.Number of tastings5
    BouquetDark berry, mulberry, black berry, blue berry, dark cherry and fruit in the nose.Score range15.40 - 15.90
    TasteMedium body. Quite immature with lovely tannins but very easy to drink and enjoy already now. Balanced with lots of black berries in taste. Will improve a lot. Sweet and rather complex with a lovely and quite long finish.Average score15.70
    Last tasted17th February 2024Point this date15.75
    CommentTasted at home with the family
    TastersSAI, JB, SS
    HouseQuinta de Santa EufemiaVintage2015
    ColourDark ruby almost black in colour.Number of tastings1
    BouquetBlackberry, mulberry and lots of mature fruit in the nose
    TasteMedium body. Lots of balanced tannin which are quite attractive. Loaded with dark berry and fruit in taste and with a quite sweet and complex finish. Will be nice to follow.
    Last tasted2nd March 2019Rating this dateImpressive
    CommentTasting at the Port Wine Fair in Roskilde, Denmark.

    Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
    TastersSAI, JB, SS
    HouseQuinta de Santa EufemiaVintage2016
    ColourDark ruby in colour.Number of tastings2
    BouquetLots of dark berry especially mulberry, black berry and blue berry in the nose but also some banana.
    TasteMedium body. Immature but balanced. Quite easy to drink with mostly dark berry and banana in taste. The finish is rather complex and balanced.
    Last tasted2nd March 2019Rating this dateVery Good
    CommentTasting at the Port Wine Fair in Roskilde, Denmark.

    Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
    TastersSAI, JB, SS
    HouseQuinta de Santa EufemiaVintage2017
    ColourVery dark ruby almost black in colour.Number of tastings2
    BouquetMulberry and dark berry with some very mature fruit in the nose.
    TasteMedium body. Lovely tannins and hard to enjoy now. Very promising indeed. Balanced and also quite elegant and loaded with dark berry and fruit. The finish has lots of tannins and is very promising. Will be lovely to follow.
    Last tasted29th February 2020Rating this dateImpressive
    CommentTasted at the Port Wine Fair in Roskilde, Denmark.

    Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
    TastersSAI, JB, SS

    Last tasted:

    20th March
    Burmester 1890
    Wiese & Krohn 1963
    8th March
    Vista Alegre 2012
    7th March
    Niepoort 2003
    6th March
    Fonseca 1985
    4th March
    Niepoort 1980
    Niepoort 1983
    Niepoort 1987
    Niepoort 1997
    Niepoort 2000


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