Est. 2011

Rio Bom

Quinta do Mourão - Mario Braga Herdeiros

Owner Braga family
Vineyards Quinta do Mourão
Vintage Port Brands S. Leonardo, Rio Bom

Rio Bom is a brand used for both table wines and port wines. They would like to use Quinta do Mourão as their brand, but unfortunately that label is owned by one of the very large wine producers. Quinta de Mourao was bought in 1972 by Mário Braga. When Mário Braga passed away in 1999 the family decided to start producing their own wine and created the company Mário Braga Herdeiros. The Quinta is still run by the second generation of the family.

Rio Bom Vintages:2000, 2007, 2009

Vintage Port tasting notes:

HouseRio BomVintage2000
ColourYellow mature in colour.Number of tastings5
BouquetCacao, coffee, some spiciness, toffee, clove, ginger and dark chocolate in the nose.Score range15.40 - 16.40
TasteMedium body. Mature and peaking. Balanced and quite elegant. Cacao, dark chocolate and quite a lot of spiciness in taste with a quite long and rather attractive finish. Lovely port indeed!Average score16.07
Last tasted4th March 2023Point this date16.25
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Fair in Roskilde, Denmark.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
HouseRio BomVintage2007
ColourMedium dark ruby with yellow mature edge in colour.Number of tastings3
BouquetQuite complex bouquet with lots of toffee, crème caramel, candy, cacao and dark chocolate in the nose.Score range15.50 - 16.40
TasteMedium body. Quite mature and maybe peaking. Toffee, crème caramel, candy, cacao and dark chocolate in taste. Easy to drink now and to enjoy with a lovely, very attractive and quite long finishAverage score16.05
Last tasted5th March 2022Point this date16.40
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Fair in Roskilde, Denmark.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
HouseRio BomVintage2009
ColourVary dark blue in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetMulberry, black berry and lots of fruit in the nose.Score range15.40 - 15.40
TasteMedium body. Still loaded with tannin and will improve a lot. Balanced but loaded with fruit and berry in taste. A quiet long and interesting finish.Average score
Last tasted4th March 2017Point this date15.40
CommentAt the Port Wine Festival in Roskilde, Denmark.
TastersSAI, JB, SS

Old Colheita/Tawny tasting notes:

HouseRio Bom
Quinta do Mourao
ColourVery dark tawny in colour with an olive green edge.Number of tastings1
BouquetColheita bouquet of burned sugar, roasted nuts, molasses and cream candy in the noseBottledCask sample
TasteAlmost full-bodied. Of course matured and peaking but with an astonishing old acidity. Completely balanced and very complex port. Burned sugar and roasted nuts in taste with a long, complex and very attractive finish. Lovely port indeed!Score range
Last tasted2nd March 2018Point this date17.00
CommentThis is a cask sample and the mother wine to their 40 years old tawny.
Tasted at the Danish Port Wine Club est. 1981 tasting in Copenhagen.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
HouseRio Bom
Quinta do Mourao
ColourDark not quite transparent tawny in colour with an olive green edge.Number of tastings1
BouquetColheita bouquet of burned sugar, roasted nuts and some burned candy in the nose.BottledCask sample
TasteAt least medium bodied. Mature and peaking with a lovely old very astringent and attractive acidity. Molasses and burned sugar in taste. Easy to drink and to love with th lovely, long and attractive finish.Score range
Last tasted2nd March 2018Point this date16.50
CommentThis is a cask sample and the mother wine to their 30 years old tawny.
Tasted at the Danish Port Wine Club est. 1981 tasting in Copenhagen.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
HouseRio Bom
Quinta do Mourao
ColourVery beautiful tawny in colour with a hint of olive green edge.Number of tastings1
BouquetRoasted coffee beans, burned sugar and nuts in the nose.BottledCask sample
TasteMedium body. Mature and peaking with a balanced old acidity. Burned sugar and nuts in taste with an attractive and nice finish. Lovely port indeed..Score range
Last tasted2nd March 2018Point this date15.90
CommentThis is a cask sample and the mother wine to their 20 years old tawny.
Tasted at the Danish Port Wine Club est. 1981 tasting in Copenhagen.
TastersSAI, JB, SS

Last tasted:

8th February
Calem 2010
7th February
Fonseca-Guimaraens 1988
2nd February
Quinta de Vargellas
Taylor 1998
1st February
Graham 1985
26th January
C. da Silva 2011
25th January
Cockburn 1991
Dow 1977
Quarles Harris 1977
22nd January
Fonseca 1963
19th January
Quinta do Javali 2004
Quinta do Noval 2001


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