Vintage Port 1997
Vintage | Rating | Broad- bent | Suckling | Declared houses | Known brands | Comment |
1997 | Outstanding | 4 | | 69 | 91 | |
House | Andresen | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Black in colour. | Number of tastings | 1 |
Bouquet | Walnuts, blackberry and dark cherry in the nose. | Score range | 15.75 - 15.75 |
Taste | Medium body. Immature but appealing with lovely tannin. Long and attractive finish. Very good. | Average score | |
Last tasted | 3rd November 2000 | Point this date | 15.75 |
Comment | Tasted at the Port Wine Festival in Copenhagen, Denmark.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Barao de Vilar | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still very dark blue almost black in colour. | Number of tastings | 5 |
Bouquet | Dark berry, dark cherry, mulberry and much more in the nose. | Score range | 15.25 - 16.40 |
Taste | Medium body. Immature and still lots of soft tannins. Mulberry in flavour. Complex port with a long and attractive finish. Will be interesting to follow. | Average score | 15.51 |
Last tasted | 23rd October 2013 | Point this date | 16.40 |
Comment | At the Danish Port Wine Club est. 1981 tasting in Copenhagen, Denmark.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Barros | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Medium deep blue in colour. | Number of tastings | 2 |
Bouquet | Walnuts and raspberry in the nose. | Score range | 15.75 - 15.75 |
Taste | Quite full-bodied. Immature and still tannins. Lots of fruit and an attractive and long finish. Promising! | Average score | |
Last tasted | 6th November 2006 | Point this date | 15.75 |
Comment | At the Port Wine Festival in Copenhagen, Denmark.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Berry Bros | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Medium to pale ruby and mature rim in colour. | Number of tastings | 2 |
Bouquet | Cacao, coffee, tea and chocolate, some herbs and old grocery shop in the nose. | Score range | 15.25 - 15.90 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and peaking and will not improve but is quite sweet with cacao, chocolate, roasted coffee in taste. Balanced and quite elegant with a rather complex and quite interesting finish. On top and will not improve so drink up and enjoy it. | Average score | 15.58 |
Last tasted | 28th June 2024 | Point this date | 15.90 |
Comment | Tasted at home with the family. This port is Warre.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Burmester | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Garnet to ruby in colour with a yellow and mature rim. | Number of tastings | 17 |
Bouquet | Very mature fruite, candy, some vanilla, sweet liquorice, toffee coffee, cacao and chocolate in the nose. | Score range | 15.25 - 15.90 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and peaking. Medium sweet. Candy, cacao, liquorice, vanilla in flavour. Balanced and rather complex. Quite attractive finish. Very easy to drink and enjoy. | Average score | 15.63 |
Last tasted | 7th January 2025 | Point this date | 15.75 |
Comment | A Burmester vertical tasting in Lund.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Burton Messias | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Quite beautiful with yellow mature colour. | Number of tastings | 1 |
Bouquet | Toffee, crème caramel and sweet liquorice in the nose. | Score range | 15.40 - 15.40 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and peaking but still with some attractive acidity. Maybe a little better? Balanced but quite dry, but toffee and liquorice in taste. Rather elegant and easy to drink and like with a nice and quite attractive finish. | Average score | |
Last tasted | 11th December 2017 | Point this date | 15.40 |
Comment | At the Wine Society 18% tasting in Malmö.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Calem | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Yellow mature in colour. | Number of tastings | 5 |
Bouquet | Dark chocolate, cacao, toffee, crème caramel and old grocery shop in the nose. | Score range | 15.40 - 16.00 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and now peaking. Will probably not be much better. Cacao, dark chocolate and old grocery shop in flavour. Rather sweet. Complex and balanced with a rather long and rather attractive finish. | Average score | 15.72 |
Last tasted | 30th May 2023 | Point this date | 15.40 |
Comment | Tasted at home in 13th International Online Vintage Tasting with our German Port Friends from World of Port.
In 2016 this vintage took part in a Great Tasting in Germany. For points and ranking see Great Tastings. | Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Churchill | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Ruby in colour with a yellow rim. | Number of tastings | 0 |
Bouquet | Chocolate, cacao, dried fruit, coffee beans, nuts, herbs and ginger in the nose. | Score range | 16.00 - 16.40 |
Taste | Medium body. Dry and more than medium acidity. Balanced and quite tasty with mint, coffee, cacao, old grocery shop and herbs in the mouth. Quite elegant and very easy to drink and enjoy with a lovely, quite attractive and rather long finish. Quite mature but will improve a bit further. | Average score | 16.24 |
Last tasted | 23rd April 2024 | Point this date | 16.40 |
Comment | Tasted at the Big Fortified Tasting in London, Great Britain.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Cockburn | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Dark blue in colour with just a hint of yellow edge. | Number of tastings | 3 |
Bouquet | Dark berry, cream candy, fudge and toffee in the nose. | Score range | 15.00 - 15.50 |
Taste | Full-bodied. Still lots of tannin of course and will develop a lot. Cream candy and toffee in taste. Balanced and attractive with a quite attractive finish. | Average score | 15.25 |
Last tasted | 11th November 2006 | Point this date | 15.50 |
Comment | At the Port Wine Festival in Copenhagen, Denmark.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Coroa de Rei Pocas Jr | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Yellow mature in colour. | Number of tastings | 1 |
Bouquet | Chocolate, candy and some cacao | Score range | |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and peaking and will not be better. Balanced and quite complex and rather elegant with taste of chocolate, some toffee and candy. Today very easy to drink and enjoy with a quite long and rather attractive finish. | Average score | |
Last tasted | 29th May 2022 | Point this date | 16.00 |
Comment | Tasted at home with the family.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Corte Delaforce | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Medium ruby with yellow and mature rim in colour. | Number of tastings | 4 |
Bouquet | Cacao, liquorice, dark chocolate, toffee cream candy and some ginger in the nose. | Score range | 15.40 - 16.25 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and peaking. Balanced and tasty with cacao, toffee and dark chocolate in taste. Rather complex with a lovely, quite elegant and attractive finish. Very easy to drink and enjoy. | Average score | 15.66 |
Last tasted | 21st November 2024 | Point this date | 16.25 |
Comment | Tasted at the Wine Society 18% tasting in Malmö.
In 2018 this vintage took part in a Great Tasting in the Wine Society 18%. For points and ranking see Great Tastings. | Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Dalva C. da Silva | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Rather beautiful, mature and yellow in colour. | Number of tastings | 5 |
Bouquet | Herbs, spiciness, cacao, chocolate, minty and old grocery shop in the nose. | Score range | 15.50 - 16.20 |
Taste | Lovely body. Mature and peaking but still with some elegant tannins and will maybe better. Balanced and quite complex with herbs, spiciness, chocolate and cacao in taste and a delicate and quite complex finish. Easy to drink and like. | Average score | 15.75 |
Last tasted | 21st November 2024 | Point this date | 16.20 |
Comment | Tasted at the Wine Society 18% tasting in Malmö.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Dow | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still very dark with just a hint of a yellow mature edge in colour. | Number of tastings | 6 |
Bouquet | Cacao, chocolate, roasted coffee beans and some spiciness in the nose. | Score range | 15.75 - 16.50 |
Taste | Lovely body. Quite mature but still with some round and quite elegant tannins. Grocery shop and spiciness in flavour. Dry. Balance and quite complex. A long, quite elegant, attractive and lovely finish. | Average score | 16.19 |
Last tasted | 5th November 2023 | Point this date | 16.50 |
Comment | Tasted at a Great Tasting with the Wine Society 18% in Malmö, Sweden.
In 2023 this vintage took part in a Great Tasting in the Wine Society 18%. For points and ranking see Great Tastings. | Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Duff Gordon Osborne | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Rather yellow, mature in colour | Number of tastings | 3 |
Bouquet | Quite generous bouquet with cacao, cream candy, butterscotch, toffee and menthol in the nose. | Score range | 15.50 - 16.40 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and peaking. Quite elegant and balanced. Sweet with a quite long and attractive finish. Very easy to drink and like. | Average score | 15.80 |
Last tasted | 21st May 2021 | Point this date | 15.50 |
Comment | Tasted at home in Third International Online Vintage Tasting with our German Port Friends from World of Port.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Feist | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still very dark blue with a yellow rim. | Number of tastings | 1 |
Bouquet | Quite closed bouquet but opened up with crème caramel in the nose. | Score range | 15.50 - 15.50 |
Taste | Quite full-bodied. Still soft tannin and immature. Will be better. Complex with lovely fruit. A good port indeed. | Average score | |
Last tasted | 15th May 2008 | Point this date | 15.50 |
Comment | At the 18% Wine Club tasting in Malmö.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Ferreira | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still rather dark but yellow mature in colour. colour. | Number of tastings | 3 |
Bouquet | Herbs, nuts, zodiac, chocolate, salami and liquorice in the nose. | Score range | 15.40 - 15.40 |
Taste | Lovely body. Mature and peaking with maybe some volatile acidity. Balanced and quite tasty with nuts, herbs and some liquorice in the mouth and with a quite long and acceptable finish. | Average score | 15.40 |
Last tasted | 30th May 2023 | Point this date | 15.40 |
Comment | Tasted at home in 13th International Online Vintage Tasting with our German Port Friends from World of Port.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Feuerheerd | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Medium dark ruby with a mature yellow rim in colour. | Number of tastings | 1 |
Bouquet | Toffee, candy, fudge and orange zest in the nose. | Score range | 15.75 - 15.75 |
Taste | Medium body. Quite mature but still soft and elegant tannins and will be better. Balanced and quite sweet with toffee amd candy in taste. Elegant but very nice finish. | Average score | 15.75 |
Last tasted | 6th November 2023 | Point this date | 15.75 |
Comment | Tasted at the Port Wine Festival in Copenhagen, Denmark.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Fonseca | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still very dark in colour with just a yellow mature rim. | Number of tastings | 6 |
Bouquet | Dried fruit, cacao, toffee, cream candy, crème caramel, some mint and liquorice in the nose.. | Score range | 99.99 - 17.00 |
Taste | Full body. Quite mature but still some round and very elegant tannins. Balanced and complex with a coffee, mint and toffee, chocolate and liquorice and much more in the mouth. Elegant and an attractive and long finish. | Average score | 16.88 |
Last tasted | 10th April 2023 | Point this date | 17.00 |
Comment | Tasted at the Port Wine Club est. 1981 tasting in Copenhagen, Denmark.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Fortum & Mason Quinta do Passadouro | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still quite dark ruby but with a yellow mature edge in colour. | Number of tastings | 1 |
Bouquet | Sweet liquorice, cacao, lots of different herbs, some spiciness mostly ginger in the nose | Score range | 16.25 - 16.25 |
Taste | Medium body. Lovely round and elegant tannins and will be better. Balanced and elegant with lots of different tastes in the mouth. The finish is long, attractive and quite elegant and this port will be exciting to follow. | Average score | |
Last tasted | 14th May 2022 | Point this date | 16.25 |
Comment | Taste at home with the family. This vintage was from Niepoort. but on the cork it said Quinta do Passadouro, so we guess that was the port.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Gilberts | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Dark ruby in colour with a bit yellow rim. | Number of tastings | 1 |
Bouquet | Quite tough nose with mulberries, dark cacao and hints of grape seed. | Score range | 15.50 - 15.50 |
Taste | Medium body. Lots of fruit with dark berries but no real back bone and a little short finish. | Average score | 15.50 |
Last tasted | 7th May 2016 | Point this date | 15.50 |
Comment | At home with the family.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Gould Campbell | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still very dark but with a yellow rim in colour. | Number of tastings | 2 |
Bouquet | Candy, crème caramel, cacao some coffee and menthol in the nose. | Score range | 16.25 - 16.25 |
Taste | Medium body. Rather mature but still with some nice and attractive tannin. Will of course be better. Elegant and quite complex. Very easy to drink and love today with candy and menthol in taste and with a quite long and very attractive finish. | Average score | |
Last tasted | 21st August 2017 | Point this date | 16.25 |
Comment | At the Danish Port Wine Club est. 1981 tasting in Copenhagen, Denmark.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Graham | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still quite dark but with a hint of yellow, mature edge in colour. | Number of tastings | 6 |
Bouquet | Maybe still a hint of mulberry but mostly roasted coffee, cacao and dark chocolate, herbs and some spiciness and old grocery shop in the nose. | Score range | 16.25 - 17.25 |
Taste | Full-bodied. Mature and almost peaking but still with some very round and elegant tannins and will probably improve a little. Coffee, cacao, roasted coffee, some spiciness and lots of other things in taste. Balanced and very with a long, lovely and intensive finish. | Average score | 16.67 |
Last tasted | 30th May 2023 | Point this date | 17.25 |
Comment | Tasted at home in 13th International Online Vintage Tasting with our German Port Friends from World of Port. 1 bottle has been defect.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Hooper | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Rather mature and yellow in colour. | Number of tastings | 1 |
Bouquet | Toffee, some cacao and old grocery shop in the nose. | Score range | 15.00 - 15.00 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and first very elegant and tasty but will be quite tired in the glass and not so attractive. However, balanced and easy to drink with a nice finish, but maybe better to enjoy as soon as possible? | Average score | |
Last tasted | 17th January 2019 | Point this date | 15.00 |
Comment | At the Wine Society 18% Tasting in Malmö.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Hutcheson | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Nearly black in colour. | Number of tastings | 1 |
Bouquet | Dark cherry and fruit in bouquet. | Score range | |
Taste | Medium body. Quite drinkable. Rather elegant finish. Not a long runner. | Average score | |
Last tasted | 22nd October 2002 | Point this date | 14.50 |
Comment | At the Port Wine Festival in Copenhagen.
| Tasters | SAI, JB |
House | Kopke | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still very dark red in colour with a hint of a yellow mature edge. | Number of tastings | 9 |
Bouquet | Dark chocolate, cacao, toffee, coffee beans, herbs and old grocery shop in the nose. | Score range | 15.75 - 16.40 |
Taste | Medium body and quite sweet taste. Still some soft and elegant tannins but rather mature and will probably improve a little. Dark chocolate, cacao, coffee beans in taste. Easy to drink and like with an attractive, quite lovely and intensive finish. | Average score | 16.05 |
Last tasted | 21st September 2023 | Point this date | 16.00 |
Comment | Tasted at a lunch with friends at the Castas e Pratos Restaurant in Peso da Régua, Portugal.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Maia Hutcheson-Feuerheerd | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Mature yellow in colour. | Number of tastings | 1 |
Bouquet | Old grocery shop, toffee and cream candy but maybe a hint of pharmacy in the nose, but not disturbing at all. | Score range | 16.00 - 16.00 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and probably peaking. Balanced and quite elegant and taste of cream candy, toffee and old grocery shop in the mouth. Very easy to drink and enjoy with a quite attractive and interesting finish. | Average score | |
Last tasted | 29th May 2022 | Point this date | 16.00 |
Comment | Tasted at home with the family
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Martinez | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Black in colour. | Number of tastings | 1 |
Bouquet | Juicy and fruity in the nose. | | |
Taste | Quite full-bodied. Immature and lots of tannins of course. Very juicy but a very promising finish | | |
Last tasted | 15th November 1999 | Rating this date | Impressive |
Comment | At the Port Wine Festival in Copenhagen.
Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive | Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Maynard | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still quite dark but with a yellow mature rim. | Number of tastings | 1 |
Bouquet | Cacao, some chocolate, toffee candy and salty liquorice in the nose. | Score range | 15.75 - 15.75 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature but with some elegant tannins and will improve. Balanced and quite tasty with cacao, some chocolate and lots of sweet liquorice in taste and with a quite long a rather attractive finish. Will be quite exciting to follow. | Average score | |
Last tasted | 25th November 2023 | Point this date | 15.75 |
Comment | Tasted at home with the family.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Messias | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Yellow. Mature in colour. | Number of tastings | 1 |
Bouquet | Cacao, some chocolate, toffee, herbs, cream candy and old grocery shop | Score range | 15.50 - 15.50 |
Taste | Lovely body. Mature and peaking but with some light tannins. Balanced and quite tasty with an elegant, rather long and quite attractive finish. | Average score | |
Last tasted | 4th May 2023 | Point this date | 15.50 |
Comment | Tasted at the Great Tasting at the 30-Years Jubilee of The Wine Society 18% in Malmö.
In 2023 this vintage took part in a Great Tasting in the Wine Society 18%. For points and ranking see Great Tastings. | Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Miguels | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Yellow mature in colour. | Number of tastings | 1 |
Bouquet | Candy, sweets, fudge but also corked in the nose. | Score range | 15.25 - 15.25 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and peaking. Balanced and rather complex. Easy to drink and like ????? | Average score | |
Last tasted | 27th May 2017 | Point this date | 15.25 |
Comment | At home with the family and some wine friends.
In 2017 this vintage took part in a Great Tasting in Malmö, Sweden. For points and ranking see Great Tastings. | Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Niepoort | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still quite dark but a hint of a yellow mature edge in colour. | Number of tastings | 8 |
Bouquet | Cream candy, menthol, mint, coffee, coffee beans, cacao, chocolate and some herbs in the nose | Score range | 16.25 - 16.75 |
Taste | Almost full-bodied. Lovely round and attractive tannins and will improve. Balanced, complex and very tasty with an elegant and very attractive, long finish. What will be? | Average score | 16.50 |
Last tasted | 4th March 2025 | Point this date | 16.75 |
Comment | Tasted at the Port Wine Club est. 1981 tasting in Copenhagen, Denmark. This bottle was defect. Tastings notes from the 22 April 2022. Four bottles have been defect (volatile acidity).
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Offley Boa Vista | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Quite dark red colour with a brick red rim. | Number of tastings | 5 |
Bouquet | Soft, grocery shop, with some coffee and ginger. | Score range | 15.00 - 16.00 |
Taste | Nice taste with mature berries and some coffee. Full bodied with a long finish. | Average score | 15.80 |
Last tasted | 22nd October 2013 | Point this date | 15.90 |
Comment | At a tasting at Munskänkarna in Malmö
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Osborne | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Yellow mature, quite beautiful in colour. | Number of tastings | 3 |
Bouquet | Chocolate, cacao, candy, cream candy and some herbs and spiciness in the nose. | Score range | 16.00 - 16.00 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and peaking. Balanced and very complex in taste which is predominated of cacao, candy and cream candy. The finish is very attractive quite long and very attractive. | Average score | 16.00 |
Last tasted | 21st November 2024 | Point this date | 16.00 |
Comment | Tasted at the Wine Society 18% tasting in Malmö.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Pocas Jr | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Mature yellow in colour. | Number of tastings | 4 |
Bouquet | Cacao, ginger, dark chocolate and old grocery shop in the nose. | Score range | 15.50 - 16.50 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and peaking but still some very round and soft tannin. Balanced, sweet and quite elegant. Easy to like and drink with a quite long and attractive finish. | Average score | 15.95 |
Last tasted | 9th November 2024 | Point this date | 15.90 |
Comment | Tasted at home with the family.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Portal | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still quite dark but mature, yellow in colour. | Number of tastings | 9 |
Bouquet | Cream candy, candy, apricot, oak, mulberry and orange in the nose. | Score range | 14.50 - 16.75 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and almost on top but still some tannin and will probably be better. Elegant and quite complex with a nice finish. Quite sweet. Easy to drink today and very enjoyable. | Average score | 15.41 |
Last tasted | 15th March 2018 | Point this date | 16.75 |
Comment | At the Wine Society 18% tasting in Malmö.
In 2018 this vintage took part in a Great Tasting in the Wine Society 18%. For points and ranking see Great Tastings. | Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Pousada Pocas Jr | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Dark blue in colour with a yellow rim. | Number of tastings | 3 |
Bouquet | Complex nose with cherry, berry and fruit. | Score range | 15.25 - 16.50 |
Taste | Medium body. Rather mature. Easy to drink and like. Balanced with a lovely finish. | Average score | 15.88 |
Last tasted | 3rd November 2003 | Point this date | 16.50 |
Comment | At the Port Wine Festival in Copenhagen.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Prime Messias | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Beautiful amber but still quite dark in colour. | Number of tastings | 2 |
Bouquet | Cream candy, sweet liquorice and herbs as basilica and thyme in the nose. | Score range | 16.00 - 16.00 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and almost peaking. Balanced and quite elegant with sweet liquorice and thyme in taste. Rather complex and easy to drink and like. Quite nice finish. | Average score | |
Last tasted | 22nd July 2016 | Point this date | 16.00 |
Comment | At home with the family. 1 bottle has been defect.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Quarles Harris | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Dark nearly black in colour. | Number of tastings | 3 |
Bouquet | Dark cherry and fruit but rather closed in the nose. | Score range | 15.25 - 15.50 |
Taste | Quite full-bodied. Still immature and tannic but easy to swallow and probably a relative fast runner. Promising and acceptable finish. | Average score | 15.38 |
Last tasted | 23rd January 2012 | Point this date | 15.25 |
Comment | At the Danish Port Wine Club est. 1981 tasting in Copenhagen, Denmark.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Quinta da Eira Velha Martinez | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Quite dark blue with a yellow mature rim. | Number of tastings | 2 |
Bouquet | Coffee, tea and old grocery shop in the nose. | Score range | 15.50 - 15.50 |
Taste | Medium body. Flavour of dried fruit. Rather full-bodied. Elegant. Still some tannin but a nice finish. Will develop a lot. | Average score | 15.50 |
Last tasted | 26th August 2008 | Point this date | 15.50 |
Comment | At home with the family.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Quinta da Foz Calem | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still quite dark but yellow and mature in colour. | Number of tastings | 2 |
Bouquet | Dark Chocolate, cacao, some herbs, toffee and fudge in the nose. | Score range | 15.75 - 16.50 |
Taste | Lovely body. Still quite a lot of round and elegant tannins and will probably still be better. Balanced and quite elegant with chocolate and cacao in taste and with s quite long and intensive finish. Lovely and quite exciting port | Average score | 99.99 |
Last tasted | 31st July 2024 | Point this date | 16.50 |
Comment | Taste at home with the family.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Quinta da Roeda Croft | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still quite dark ruby but mature and yellow rim in colour. | Number of tastings | 4 |
Bouquet | Still some dark berries but toffee, cacao, dark chocolate, roasted coffee beans, some herbs and salted liquorice in the nose. | Score range | 15.90 - 16.25 |
Taste | Lovely body. Mature and now almost peaking but still some elegant tannins and very easy to drink and enjoy. Balanced and quite complex with salted liquorice, toffee, chocolate in taste and with an attractive, quite sweet and rather long finish. | Average score | 16.16 |
Last tasted | 12th November 2024 | Point this date | 16.25 |
Comment | Tasted at home in 19th International Online Vintage Tasting with our German Port Friends from World of Port.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Quinta da Romaneira | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Quite beautiful medium dark ruby with a mature and yellow rim in colour. | Number of tastings | 8 |
Bouquet | Herbs, plums, ginger and spiciness, candy but also cacao and dark chocolate in the nose. | Score range | 14.50 - 15.75 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and peaking. Balanced and tasty with herbs, candy and spiciness dominating. Very easy to drink and enjoy with a quite elegant and rather complex finish. | Average score | 15.18 |
Last tasted | 21st November 2024 | Point this date | 15.75 |
Comment | Tasted at the Wine Society 18% tasting in Malmö.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Quinta das Carvalhas Real Velha | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Garnet in colour with a yellow mature edge. | Number of tastings | 2 |
Bouquet | Cacao and chocolate, liquorice, mint, orange zest, some herbs and a hint of violets in the nose. | Score range | 16.00 - 16.50 |
Taste | Medium body. Still some round and elegant tannins and will probably be better. Balanced and quite complex. With a taste of cacao, some herbs and spiciness and lovely liquorice and maybe lavender. Quite long and attractive finish. Very easy to drink and enjoy indeed. | Average score | 16.25 |
Last tasted | 23rd April 2024 | Point this date | 16.50 |
Comment | Tasted at the Big Fortified Tasting in London, Great Britain.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Quinta de la Rosa | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still very dark but with a yellow mature rim. | Number of tastings | 3 |
Bouquet | Fudge, a little toffee, cream candy and crème caramel in the nose. | Score range | 16.25 - 16.25 |
Taste | Medium body. Quite mature but with some soft tannin and will probably not be much better but balanced and delicious today. Fudge, toffee and cream candy in taste with longa and quite interesting finish. Very easy to drink and like with an interesting and long finish. | Average score | |
Last tasted | 30th April 2018 | Point this date | 16.25 |
Comment | At home with the family
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Quinta de Vargellas Vina Velha Taylor | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still ruby in colour. | Number of tastings | 1 |
Bouquet | Lovely violet, mint, blackberry, mulberry and a hint of raspberry, ginger, cacao and herbs in the nose. | Score range | 16.90 - 16.90 |
Taste | Full-bodied. Still a lot of tannin and will be much better with the years to come. Balanced and very fruity and complex with taste of violet blackberry, cacao and herbs. An elegant and quite fascinating port with an attractive and quite long finish. Will be exciting to follow. | Average score | |
Last tasted | 2nd October 2018 | Point this date | 16.90 |
Comment | At the Danish Port Wine Club est. 1981 tasting in Copenhagen, Denmark.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Quinta do Cachao Messias | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Quite beautiful yellow, mature colour. | Number of tastings | 1 |
Bouquet | Toffee, candy, fudge and some herbs in the nose. Quite generous bouquet. | Score range | 15.40 - 15.40 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and peaking. Will not be much better but have still some acidity. Balanced and quite tasty with toffee, some herbs and butterscotch in the mouth and with a quite long and rather tasty finish. Very easy to drink an enjoy now! | Average score | |
Last tasted | 21st May 2021 | Point this date | 15.40 |
Comment | Tasted at home in Third International Online Vintage Tasting with our German Port Friends from World of Port.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Quinta do Castelinho | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Dark blue in colour. | Number of tastings | 3 |
Bouquet | Quite simple nose with just lots of berry. | Score range | 14.50 - 14.50 |
Taste | Medium body. Full of tannins but sweet. Rather mature and berry in flavour but with an attractive finish. Quite good. | Average score | 14.50 |
Last tasted | 29th August 2005 | Point this date | 14.50 |
Comment | At the Danish Port Wine Club est. 1981 tasting in Copenhagen.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Quinta do Crasto | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Very dark blue in colour. | Number of tastings | 2 |
Bouquet | Defect bottle with a terrible nose. | Score range | 8.00 - 8.00 |
Taste | Could not drink it. | Average score | |
Last tasted | 29th October 2008 | Point this date | 8.00 |
Comment | At the Danish Port Wine Club est. 1981 tasting in Copenhagen, Denmark. The first bottle was tasted 99 and very good indeed, however so young that our notes maybe not so interesting and valid. This bottle was defect
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Quinta do Estanho | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still very dark but with a little yellow edge in colour. | Number of tastings | 1 |
Bouquet | Cacao, chocolate, dark berry, mint and some herbs in the nose. | Score range | 16.25 - 16.25 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and almost peaking but will probably be better suppose. Balanced and very tasty with cacao, dark berries and herbs. Quite complex with a rather long, lovely and elegant finish. | Average score | |
Last tasted | 25th December 2020 | Point this date | 16.25 |
Comment | Tasted at home with the family.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Quinta do Infantado | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Yellow mature in colour. | Number of tastings | 8 |
Bouquet | Old grocery shop, some cacao, chocolate, roasted coffee and toffee in the nose. | Score range | 15.25 - 15.50 |
Taste | Medium body. Quite mature and peaking. A light port with toffee, cacao and chocolate in flavour. Elegant and a rather attractive finish. Very easy to drink and like today. | Average score | 15.35 |
Last tasted | 4th November 2019 | Point this date | 15.40 |
Comment | At the Port Wine Festival in Copenhagen.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Quinta do Noval | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still dark but yellow mature in colour. | Number of tastings | 3 |
Bouquet | Coffee, tea, cacao, some chocolate, liquorice, roses, orange zest and old grocery shop in the nose. | Score range | 16.40 - 16.75 |
Taste | Quite full-bodied. Quite mature but still some delicious and round tannins and will maybe improve. Balanced and very complex indeed. Quite sweet. This is a wonderful port and very easy to drink and enjoy with a quite elegant and attractive finish. | Average score | 16.63 |
Last tasted | 16th February 2022 | Point this date | 16.40 |
Comment | Tasted at home in 6th International Online Vintage Tasting with our German Port Friends from World of Port.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Quinta do Passadouro | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still rather dark but yellow mature in colour. | Number of tastings | 1 |
Bouquet | Lovely bouquet with cacao, dark chocolate, coffee, some liquorice and old grocery shop. | Score range | 16.40 - 16.40 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and almost peaking but still with some soft and elegant tannin. Balanced and quite complex. Cacao and dark chocolate in taste. Easy to drink with a lovely finish | Average score | |
Last tasted | 8th April 2017 | Point this date | 16.40 |
Comment | At home with the family.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Quinta do Retiro Novo Wiese & Krohn | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still rather dark ruby with a hint of mature and yellow edge. Quite beautiful in colour. | Number of tastings | 5 |
Bouquet | Toffee, cacao, herbs ginger, dark chocolate and old grocery shop in the nose. | Score range | 14.50 - 16.25 |
Taste | Lovely body. Mature and peaking and on top. and Will not be much better. Balanced and quite tasty with toffee, cacao, roasted coffee and old grocery shop in the mouth and with a lovely, quite attractive, enjoyable and elegant finish. | Average score | 15.63 |
Last tasted | 21st November 2024 | Point this date | 16.25 |
Comment | Tasted at the Wine Society 18% tasting in Malmö.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Quinta do Sagrado Calem | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Pale ruby and yellow and mature rim in colour. | Number of tastings | 8 |
Bouquet | Crème caramel, toffee, fudge, cinnamon, crème candy and butterscotch in the nose. | Score range | 15.40 - 16.25 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature, quite sweet and almost peaking. Toffee, fudge butterscotch and candy in flavour. Balanced, quite elegant and very easy to drink and like with a rather long and quite attractive finish. | Average score | 15.78 |
Last tasted | 21st November 2024 | Point this date | 15.50 |
Comment | Tasted at the Wine Society 18% tasting in Malmö.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Quinta do Tedo | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Garnet in colour with a mature yellow rim. | Number of tastings | 2 |
Bouquet | Lovely nose with dark cherry, ginger, cinnamon, chocolate and fudge in the nose | Score range | 16.25 - 16.50 |
Taste | Medium body. Sweet and balanced with quite a lot of tannins still present. Fudge and mature fruit in the taste. Complex and lovely port with a long finish. Will improve further. | Average score | |
Last tasted | 26th November 2021 | Point this date | 16.50 |
Comment | Tasted at the Port Wine Festival in Leverkusen, Germany.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Quinta do Vesuvio | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still quite dark but yellow and mature rim in colour. | Number of tastings | 8 |
Bouquet | Dark chocolate, cacao, candy, roasted coffee, spiviness and old grocery shop in the nose. | Score range | 15.50 - 16.50 |
Taste | Lovely body. Quite mature and almost peaking. Balanced and very elegant. Tasty with cacao, chocolate and cream candy in mouth. A long, quite intensive and very delicious finish. Very easy to drink and love indeed! | Average score | 16.02 |
Last tasted | 21st November 2024 | Point this date | 16.50 |
Comment | Tasted at the Wine Society 18% tasting in Malmö.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Quinta dos Corvos | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Very yellow almost tawny in colour. | Number of tastings | 1 |
Bouquet | Mature bouquet with cream candy, crème caramel, candy, coffee, raisin, dark chocolate, some coffee and some oak in the nose. | Score range | 16.40 - 16.40 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and peaking. Balanced and quite elegant with still some very soft tannin Easy to drink with a taste of cream candy, candy, cacao, chocolate and raisin and an elegant finish. | Average score | |
Last tasted | 22nd June 2018 | Point this date | 16.40 |
Comment | At our apartment in the Douro Valley, Portugal.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Quinta Nova de Nossa Senhora do Carmo Burmester | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still rather dark but with a little mature yellowness in colour. | Number of tastings | 9 |
Bouquet | Cacao, dark chocolate, tea, fudge, some coffee and maybe some sweet liquorice in the nose. | Score range | 15.00 - 16.25 |
Taste | Lovely body. Still some soft tannin and will be better. Cacao, dark chocolate, coffee and old grocery shop in flavour. Rather complex port with quite long and lovely finish. | Average score | 15.57 |
Last tasted | 28th October 2023 | Point this date | 16.25 |
Comment | Tasted at home with the family.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Quinta Vale D. Maria | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still quite dark ruby but yellow mature in colour. | Number of tastings | 1 |
Bouquet | Cacao, dark chocolate, some mint. some herbs but bitterness in the nose. | Score range | 16.40 - 16.40 |
Taste | Medium body. Round tannins and will probably develop. Balanced and quite complex and tasty with a quite long and quite attractive but maybe bitter finish. | Average score | |
Last tasted | 15th May 2022 | Point this date | 16.40 |
Comment | Tasted at home with the family. This port was bottled by Niepoort.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Ramos Pinto | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still very dark ruby in colour. | Number of tastings | 3 |
Bouquet | Toffee, cream candy, fudge and chocolate in the nose. | Score range | 15.75 - 16.50 |
Taste | Medium body and medium sweet. Still quite immature with soft and very attractive tannins. Toffee, candy and chocolate in flavour. Some fruit remains. Elegant and very long, quite attractive finish. | Average score | 16.08 |
Last tasted | 22nd September 2023 | Point this date | 16.00 |
Comment | Tasted at the O-Porto-Unidade event at Niepoort’s Quinta de Nápoles.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Real Comp Vehla | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Yellow mature in colour. | Number of tastings | 1 |
Bouquet | Some cream candy, toffee, herbs and some chocolate in the nose. | Score range | 15.50 - 15.50 |
Taste | Medium body. Almost mature but maybe with some round tannin which may improve it. Balanced and easy to drink and enjoy with a quite nice and rather attractive finish | Average score | |
Last tasted | 29th May 2022 | Point this date | 15.50 |
Comment | Tasted at home with the family.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Rocha | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Yellow and mature in colour. | Number of tastings | 6 |
Bouquet | Toffee, candy, cacao, dark chocolate and fudge in the nose. | Score range | 15.50 - 15.90 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and peaking and will not improve but still with some delicate tannins. Candy, toffee and fudge in flavour. Balanced but a quite dry port with a quite elegant and attractive finish. A modern port easy to drink and like. | Average score | 15.57 |
Last tasted | 17th January 2025 | Point this date | 15.90 |
Comment | Tasted at home with the family.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Romariz | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still dark but with a yellow mature edge in colour. | Number of tastings | 8 |
Bouquet | Cream candy, toffee, sweet liquorice, some cacao, some herbs and spiciness in the nose. | Score range | 15.25 - 16.25 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and almost peaking but still with some very round tannins. Balance and quite elegant. Easy to drink and like. Cacao, candy and sweet liquorice in taste. Nice and quite attractive finish. | Average score | 15.68 |
Last tasted | 7th March 2020 | Point this date | 16.25 |
Comment | Tasted at home with the family 1 bottle has been defect.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Royal Oporto Real Companhia Velha | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still dark but yellow mature in colour. | Number of tastings | 5 |
Bouquet | Mulberry, coffee and ginger in the nose. | Score range | 15.00 - 15.75 |
Taste | Medium body. Elegant, mature and at its peak. Mulberry and coffee in flavour. Attractive finish. Lovely port. | Average score | 15.38 |
Last tasted | 3rd November 2014 | Point this date | 15.25 |
Comment | At the Port Wine Festival in Copenhagen. This bottle was defect and tasting notes from November 2013
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Rozes | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still rather dark but mature and yellow in colour. | Number of tastings | 8 |
Bouquet | Cream candy, cacao, dark berries, some dried fruit and dark chocolate in the nose. | Score range | 14.90 - 15.75 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature but still some soft tannin but peaking and will probably be better. Dark chocolate, butterscotch, dark berries and lots of cacao in flavour. Balanced and with a quite long an attractive finish. | Average score | 15.26 |
Last tasted | 27th December 2020 | Point this date | 15.75 |
Comment | Tasted at home with the family.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Sandeman | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still dark but with a yellow mature edge in colour. | Number of tastings | 3 |
Bouquet | Lovely bouquet with toffee candy and herbs but also some mulberry and dried fruit in the nose. | Score range | 16.50 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and almost peaking but with some very elegant and attractive tannin. Balance but quite dry. With toffee, candy and herbs in taste. The finish is quite long and very attractive indeed. | Average score | 16.33 |
Last tasted | 26th November 2021 | Point this date | 16.25 |
Comment | Tasted at a Master class with Luis Sottomayor at Portweinmesse 2021 in Leverkusen, Germany.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Silval Quinta do Noval | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Yellow mature in colour. | Number of tastings | 2 |
Bouquet | Cream candy, cacao, chocolate and fudge in the nose. | Score range | 15.75 - 15.90 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and peaking. Balanced and elegant with candy, cacao and toffee in taste. A not so long and quite attractive finish. Very easy to drink and enjoy today | Average score | 15.83 |
Last tasted | 16th February 2022 | Point this date | 15.90 |
Comment | Tasted at home in 6th International Online Vintage Tasting with our German Port Friends from World of Port.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Skeffington | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Medium dark ruby with yellow edge in colour. | Number of tastings | 2 |
Bouquet | Cacao, dark chocolate, coffee, fudge, toffee and old grocery shop in the nose. | Score range | 16.25 - 16.25 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and peaking. Will not be better but is on top today. Balanced and very tasty with cacao, toffee and dark chocolate and much more in the mouth and is very enjoyable. Very easy to drink and enjoy with a long, quite attractive and lovely finish. | Average score | 16.25 |
Last tasted | 30th May 2023 | Point this date | 16.25 |
Comment | Tasted at home in 13th International Online Vintage Tasting with our German Port Friends from World of Port.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Smith Woodhouse | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still quite dark in colour but with a yellow rim. | Number of tastings | 4 |
Bouquet | Dark chocolate, cacao, toffee, some minerals and still some dark berries in the nose. | Score range | 15.90 - 16.50 |
Taste | Full-bodied. Rather mature but still some lovely tannins. Balanced and tasty with chocolate, cacao and much more in the mouth with a quite long, very elegant and attractive finish. Just drink it and love it! | Average score | 16.22 |
Last tasted | 30th May 2023 | Point this date | 16.50 |
Comment | Tasted at home in 13th International Online Vintage Tasting with our German Port Friends from World of Port.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Taylor | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still quite dark but beautiful with a hint of yellow rim in colour. | Number of tastings | 7 |
Bouquet | Toffee, fudge, dark chocolate, some cacao, roasted coffee beams, violet, some herbs and butterscotch in the nose. | Score range | 16.90 - 17.25 |
Taste | Full-bodied. Mature and almost peaking even if some soft tannin may still exist. Toffee, chocolate and much more in flavour. Sweet and balanced with an elegant, quite long, rolling and very attractive finish. It is a lovely port! | Average score | 17.03 |
Last tasted | 21st November 2024 | Point this date | 17.25 |
Comment | Tasted at the Wine Society 18% tasting in Malmö.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Torga | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Dark blue almost black in colour. | Number of tastings | 3 |
Bouquet | Fruit and dark berry in the nose. | Score range | 14.50 - 14.75 |
Taste | Medium body. Immature and still some tannin. Dark berry in taste. Taste a bit odd and the finish maybe not quite acceptable but easy to swallow. | Average score | 14.58 |
Last tasted | 23rd October 2013 | Point this date | 14.50 |
Comment | The Danish Port Wine Club est. 1981 tasting in Copenhagen.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Tower’s Messias | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still rather dark but yellow mature in colour. | Number of tastings | 2 |
Bouquet | Toffee, cacao, spiciness and old grocery shop in the nose. | Score range | 15.75 - 15.75 |
Taste | Medium body. Quite mature but still some soft tannin and will probably be better but is very enjoyable today. Balanced and quite complex with toffee, cacao and dark chocolate in taste. Easy to drink and like with a nice and rather attractive finish. | Average score | 15.75 |
Last tasted | 12th February 2018 | Point this date | 15.75 |
Comment | In the Wine Society 18% tasting in Malmö
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Vau Sandeman | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still quite dark but yellow mature in colour. | Number of tastings | 25 |
Bouquet | Lovely bouquet with gingerbread, cinnamon, candy, dark chocolate, some coffee beans, herbs and some liquorice in the nose. | Score range | 15.40 - 16.00 |
Taste | Medium body. Mature and peaking but still with some very elegant and round tannins but will probably not improve much. Very enjoyable now with flavour of gingerbread, candy, some spiciness and lots of other things. Balanced and very easy to drink and like with a complex, quite lovely and very attractive finish. | Average score | 15.68 |
Last tasted | 10th September 2023 | Point this date | 15.90 |
Comment | Tasted at home with the family. This bottle was a Magnum.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Vista Alegre | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Dark ruby in colour with a yellow rim. | Number of tastings | 4 |
Bouquet | Dark cherry, sweet liquorice and chocolate in the nose. | Score range | 14.50 - 15.90 |
Taste | Medium body. Almost on top now and for some years to come, still some soft tannins. Dark sweet cherries in flavour. Lovely and balanced finish. Will probably still improve a little. | Average score | 15.30 |
Last tasted | 22nd January 2018 | Point this date | 15.90 |
Comment | At the Danish Port Wine Club est. 1981 tasting in Copenhagen.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
House | Warre | Vintage | 1997 |
Colour | Still quite dark but with a yellow, mature edge in colour. | Number of tastings | 4 |
Bouquet | Chocolate, some spring flowers, spiciness, roasted coffee and old grocery shop in the nose. | Score range | 15.00 - 16.75 |
Taste | Almost full-bodied. Quite mature but still with some very elegant and attractive tannins and will of course improve a little. Balanced and very tasty with lots of things in the mouth such as roasted coffee, chocolate, spiciness and old grocery shop. The finish is quite long, very attractive and elegant. | Average score | 15.91 |
Last tasted | 30th May 2023 | Point this date | 16.75 |
Comment | Tasted at home in 13th International Online Vintage Tasting with our German Port Friends from World of Port.
| Tasters | SAI, JB, SS |
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