Est. 2011

Vintage Port 2020

SucklingDeclared housesKnown brandsComment

Declared brands that we know of are the following 59:

2020:Alves de Sousa
Bela Luz
Bioma Vinha da Pisca
Butler Nephew
Churchill Graham
Costa Boal
Pocas Junior
Quinta da Corte
Quinta da Gaivosa
Quinta da Gricha
Quinta da Oliveirinha
Quinta da Prelada
Quinta da Romaneira
Quinta da Senhora da Ribeira
Quinta da Sequeira
Quinta das Carvalhas
Quinta das Héredias
Quinta de Ervamoira
Quinta de la Rosa
Quinta de Marrocos
Quinta de Vargellas
Quinta do Bomfim
Quinta do Cume
Quinta do Infantado
Quinta do Noval
Quinta do Noval Nacional
Quinta do Pego
Quinta do Tedo
Quinta dos Canais
Quinta dos Muros
Quinta Nova de Nossa Senhora
Quinta Seara d'Ordens
Quinta Vale d'Aldeia
Quinta Valle Longo
Real Companhia Velha
van Zellers
Vasques de Carvalho
Vista Alegre

HouseAlves de SousaVintage2020
ColourDark ruby in colour.Number of tastings2
BouquetDark berry, blackberry and a spicy peppery touch in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Mostly fruity but also some soft tannins. Easy to drink and like with dark berries and mint in the taste. Medium long finish.
Last tasted18th November 2024Rating this dateImpressive
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
Quinta da Gaivosa
ColourVery dark ruby, almost black in colourNumber of tastings4
BouquetMulberry, dark cherry, blackberry and lots of fruit and spiciness in the nose.
TasteMore than medium body. Medium dry. Lovely round and attractive tannins and will of course improve. Balanced and very tasty with a lovely spiciness in a complex, quite attractive and rather long finish. Very exciting port indeed!
Last tasted22nd November 2024Rating this dateVery Impressive
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Leverkusen, Germany.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB
ColourAlmost black in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetDark berries such as mulberry, dark cherry and black berry and mature fruit in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Lots of lovely and round tannins an will improve a lot. Balanced and very tasty and very elegant with an impressive, quite long and very attractive finish. What a port! Will be lovely to follow!
Last tasted4th November 2022Rating this dateVery Impressive
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Leverkusen, Germany.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB
ColourDark ruby in colour.Number of tastings2
BouquetLots of dark berries such as mulberry, dark cherry, black berry and a bit peppery in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Wonderful round and elegant tannins. Balanced and, very tasty and impressive with a long, quite attractive and elegant finish. Will be lovely to follow.
Last tasted6th November 2023Rating this dateVery Good
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourStill very dark ruby in colourNumber of tastings2
BouquetDark berries, floral and some herbs with lovely fresh fruit in nose.
TasteMedium body. Easy to drink and enjoy already today but will of course improve. Balanced and quite tasty with a quite interesting and tannic finish.
Last tasted18th November 2024Rating this dateVery Good
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Copenhagen, Denmark

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourDark ruby in colour.Number of tastings6
BouquetMature dark berries such as dark cherry and mulberry, mature and dry fruit in the nose.
TasteMedium body Easy to enjoy already. No aggressive tannins and quite easy to drink. Will of course improve. Balanced and elegant and the finish is astonishing when suddenly tannins appeared. Very interesting port indeed. Will be interesting to follow.
Last tasted2nd March 2024Rating this dateVery Good/ Impressive
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Fair in Roskilde, Denmark.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourDark ruby in colour.Number of tastings5
BouquetDark berries such as mulberry, dark cherry, black berry and mature fruit in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Lovely round tannins and will improve a lot but is enjoyable and drinkable already now. Balanced, elegant and quite complex with a lovely finish. Will be interesting to follow.
Last tasted18th November 2024Rating this dateVery Good
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourDark ruby in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetMature dark berries such as mulberry, dark cherry and black berry and mature fruit in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Easy to drink with very round and very attractive tannins and will of course improve. Balanced and quite elegant with a lovely and quite long finish.
Last tasted4th November 2022Rating this dateImpressive
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Leverkusen, Germany.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB
ColourDark ruby, almost black in colour.Number of tastings4
BouquetFruit and dark berries, cherries, herbs, mint and some chocolate in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Dry with quite high acidity. Taste of dark berries. A lot of soft and elegant tannins. Balanced and a long and elegant finish.
Last tasted22nd November 2024Rating this dateVery Impressive
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Leverkusen, Germany.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourDeep ruby in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetDark berries, blackberry, mulberry, fruit and some mint in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Medium dry. Balanced and easy to drink and enjoy today, Dark berry, mulberry and lots of fruit. Quite a lot of tannins with a medium long finish.
Last tasted25th September 2023Rating this dateVery Good
CommentTasted at Real Companhia Velha’s lodge in Vila Nova de Gaia.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
ColourVery deep ruby, almost black in colour.Number of tastings2
BouquetVery fruity with a lot of dark berries such as mulberry and blackberry, and some mint in the nose
TasteFull body. Elegant and balanced with soft and elegant tannins with a long finish. Very impressive.
Last tasted20th April 2023Rating this dateVery Impressive
CommentTasted at the Big Fortified Tasting in London, Great Britain.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB
ColourDark ruby in colourNumber of tastings3
BouquetDark berries such as mulberry, dark cherry, blackberry and mature fruit in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Easy to drink and enjoy with round and quite elegant tannins and will of course be better. Balanced and quite elegant and rather complex with a tasty and quite tannic finish.
Last tasted4th March 2023Rating this dateImpressive
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Fair in Roskilde, Denmark.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourVery dark almost black in colour.Number of tastings3
BouquetDark berries such as mulberry, dark cherry, black berry and dried and mature fruit in the nose as well as cacao and figs.
TasteMedium body. Lots of lovely and round tannins in mouth and will improve a lot. Balanced with dark berries and fruit in taste. Elegant with a quite complex and long finish.
Last tasted23rd April 2024Rating this dateVery Good
CommentTasted at the Big Fortified Tasting in London, Great Britain.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourVery dark ruby in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetDark berries such as mulberry, dark cherry and blackberry but also mature fruit in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Is drinkable already today but quite a lot of very round tannins and will of course improve. Balanced. Quite complex with a rather interesting finish.
Last tasted4th November 2022Rating this dateVery Good
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Leverkusen, Germany.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB
HousePoca JrVintage2020
ColourDark blue in colour. Opak.Number of tastings2
BouquetFresh, grape juice, mint and dark berries such as mulberry, dark cherry and blackberry in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Quite easy to drink already today but of course some very round and delicate tannins. Balanced and rather tasty. Quite elegant with a quite complex finish. Very easy to drink and enjoy already today.
Last tasted23rd April 2024Rating this dateVery Good
CommentTasted at the Big Fortified Tasting in London, Great Britain.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourVery dark ruby almost black in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetDark berries such as mulberry, dark berry, blue berry and black berry in the nose and also mature and dry fruit.
TasteMedium body. Lots of round an attractive tannins and will improve a lot. Balanced, complex and with a very elegant and promising finish. Will be nice to follow.
Last tasted4th November 2022Rating this dateVery Impressive
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Leverkusen, Germany.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB
ColourAlmost black in colour.Number of tastings3
BouquetLots of dark berries such as mulberry, dark cherry and black berry and mature fruit but also some herbs in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Lots tannins and will of course be better. Balanced and quite tasty with dark berries, mature fruit and herbs in taste. The finish is quite tannic, rather elegant and quite long.
Last tasted4th March 2023Rating this dateGood/ Very Good
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Fair in Roskilde, Denmark.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
HouseQuinta da CorteVintage2020
ColourDark ruby in colour.Number of tastings4
BouquetDark berries such as dark cherry, mulberry and blackberry and lots of mature fruit as well as dark chocolate and some mint.
TasteMedium body. A lot of round and elegant tannins but is quite drinkable but will of course improve a lot. Balanced and rather complex with a quite promising and long finish.
Last tasted22nd November 2024Rating this dateVery impressive
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Leverkusen, Germany.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
HouseQuinta da DevesaVintage2020
ColourVery dark in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetDark berries such as dark cherry, mulberries, black berries and roasted oak in the nose.Score range15.75 - 15.75
TasteMedium body. Lovely tannins but easy to drink and like. Balanced and quite sweet with an attractive, sweet and enjoyable finish.Average score15.75
Last tasted1st March 2025Point this date15.75
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Roskilde, Denmark.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
HouseQuinta da GaivosaVintage2020
ColourDark ruby, almost black in colour.Number of tastings3
BouquetLots of dark fruits and berries in the nose as well as spiciness and some mint in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Quite dry. Round tannins but already today drinkable but will of course be much better. Balanced and elegant with a quite lovely and very long, spicy finish. Very exciting port to follow!
Last tasted21st September 2023Rating this dateVery Good
CommentTasted at Quinta da Gaivosa with Tiago Alves de Sousa, wine maker at Alves de Sousa

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB
HouseQuinta da Gricha
ColourDark ruby in colour.Number of tastings5
BouquetHerbs, dark berries such as mulberry and blackberry, liquorice and mint in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Lots of lovely soft tannins. Quite wonderful taste with berries and liquorice. Balanced with a long and lovely finish. Will be interesting to follow.
Last tasted18th November 2024Rating this dateImpressive
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
HouseQuinta da OliveirinhaVintage2020
ColourDark ruby in colour.Number of tastings2
BouquetMulberries, dark cherries, black berries, mature fruit and mint in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Lovely round, very elegant tannins which are very delicate. Will of course improve a lot. Balanced and very tasty with an intensive, exciting and quite long finish. Will be lovely to follow.
Last tasted22nd November 2024Rating this dateVery Impressive
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Leverkusen, Germany.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB
HouseQuinta da Pedra AltaVintage2020
ColourDark ruby in colour with a purple rim.Number of tastings1
BouquetSpicy and dark berry with some mint in the nose.
TasteMedium body. A lot of tannins and quite high acidity. Balanced and tasty with a taste of dark berry. Easy to drink and enjoy with a fresh, medium long finish.
Last tasted23rd April 2024Rating this dateVery good
CommentTasted at the Big Fortified Tasting in London, Great Britain.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
HouseQuinta da PreladaVintage2020
ColourDark ruby, almost black.Number of tastings3
BouquetFruit with dark berry such as mulberry and black berry as well as herbs in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Lots of lovely tannins. Balanced and lots of dark berries in taste and with a lovely and quite long finish. Will be interesting to follow.
Last tasted2nd March 2024Rating this dateImpressive
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Fair in Roskilde, Denmark

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
HouseQuinta da RomaneiraVintage2020
ColourAlmost black in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetDark berries and mature fruit in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Immature and loaded with dark berries and mature fruit. Balanced and quite elegant and tasty with an elegant and quite lovely and long finish. What will be?
Last tasted4th March 2023Rating this dateImpressive
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Fair in Roskilde, Denmark.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
HouseQuinta da SequeiraVintage2020
ColourRuby in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetDark berries and mature fruit in the nose.
TasteHardy medium body. Round and attractive tannins. Balanced and will improve. The finish has lots of tannins, is quite long and very interesting.
Last tasted4th November 2022Rating this dateVery Good
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Leverkusen, Germany

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB
HouseQuinta das Carvalhas
Real Velha
ColourVery dark ruby in colour.Number of tastings2
BouquetDark berries, cherry, mulberry, blackberry, mint and some dried fruit in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Lots of lovey tannins and will of course be much better and develop a lot. Taste of dark berried and mint. Balanced and tasty with a quite lovely finish. Will be very interesting to follow.
Last tasted23rd April 2024Rating this dateImpressive
CommentTasted at the Big Fortified Tasting in London, Great Britain.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
HouseQuinta de Ervamoira
Ramos Pinto
ColourVery dark ruby in colour.Number of tastings3
BouquetSpicy, peppery, and dark berries, such as mulberry and blackberry in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Immature and with a lot of tannis and a lot of dark berries. Balanced but with lots of round tannins. Lovely finish and quite elegant.
Last tasted18th November 2024Rating this dateImpressive
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
HouseQuinta de la RosaVintage2020
ColourDark ruby in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetDark berries such as dark cherry and black berry with mature fruit in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Lots of round and promising tannins and will improve a lot. Balanced. Quite exciting, rather complex and very elegant finish. Looking forward to try this port again.
Last tasted4th March 2023Rating this dateVery Good/Impressive
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Fair in, Roskilde, Denmark

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
HouseQuinta do Bomfim
ColourQuite dark ruby in colour.Number of tastings3
BouquetDark berries such as mulberry, dark cherry, blue berry and black berry but also a bit peppery notes in the nose.Score range15.90 - 15.90
TasteLovely body. Lots of wonderful tannins and will of course improve a lot. Balanced, very tasty and elegant with a quite complex and rather attractive finish with lots of tannins. Will be exciting to follow.Average score
Last tasted1st March 2025Point this date15.90
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Roskilde, Denmark.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
HouseQuinta do NovalVintage2020
ColourAlmost black in colour.Number of tastings6
BouquetLots of dark berries such as mulberry. blackberry, cherry and mature fruit in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Lovely round and attractive tannins. Will of course be much better. Balanced and very tasty with a lovely and quite attractive finish. Will be lovely to follow.
Last tasted18th November 2024Rating this dateVery Impressive
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
HouseQuinta do PegoVintage2020
ColourStill very dark ruby in colourNumber of tastings2
BouquetDark berries such as mulberry, dark cherry , blackberry and mature fruit in the nose.
TasteLovely body. Lots of lovely and round tannins and will of course improve a lot. Balanced and quite elegant with a lovely., tannic and promising finish. What will be?
Last tasted22nd November 2024Rating this dateVery good
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Leverkusen, Germany.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
HouseQuinta do TedoVintage2020
ColourAlmost black in colour.Number of tastings2
BouquetDark berries such as mulberry, dark cherry and black berry but also lots of mature fruit spices in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Round and elegant tannins and will improve a lot. Balanced and elegant with a quite interesting and promising finish. What will be?
Last tasted22nd November 2024Rating this dateVery Good
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Leverkusen, Germany.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB
HouseQuinta dos Muros
ColourVery dark ruby almost black in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetDark berries, mature fruit and mint in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Lovely round tannins. Balanced and very tasty with a very elegant, arr tractive and tannic finish. A promising port indeed!
Last tasted4th November 2022Rating this dateImpressive
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Leverkusen, Germany

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
HouseQuinta Nova de Nossa Senhora do CarmoVintage2020
ColourAlmost black in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetDark berries such as mulberry, dark cherry and black berry but also mature and quite dry fruit in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Very easy to drink and enjoy. Some round tannins but balanced and quite tasty with a rather elegant finish.
Last tasted4th November 2022Rating this dateGood/ Very Good
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Leverkusen, Germany.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB
HouseQuinta Seara d’OrdensVintage2020
ColourQuite dark ruby in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetDark berries such as mulberry, dark cherry, black berry and mature fruit in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Lovely attractive tannins. Will improve of course. Balanced and tasty with a quite complex and very promising finish. Will be interesting to follow.
Last tasted7th November 2022Rating this dateVery Good
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Copenhagen, Denmark

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourVery dark ruby in colour.Number of tastings3
BouquetDark berries such as mulberry, dark cherry, black berry and mature fruit in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Round and attractive tannins but very easy to drink already today. Balanced and will improve. The finish is quite long and rather complex. Quite interesting port.
Last tasted2nd March 2024Rating this dateVery Good
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Fair in Roskilde, Denmark

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
ColourVery dark almost black in colour.Number of tastings2
BouquetDark berries with mulberry, dark cherry and blackberry but also mature fruit and chocolate in the nose.Score range15.75 - 15.75
TasteMedium body. Immature with lots of tannins and will improve a lot. Balanced in spite of the lovely tannins. Quite tasty with a quite long and impressive finish. Not easy to drink but an exciting port. A quite interesting port.Average score
Last tasted1st March 2025Point this date15.75
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Roskilde, Denmark.
TastersSAI, JB, SS
HouseVasques de CarvalhoVintage2020
ColourAlmost black in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetDark berries suck as cherry, mulberry, blackberry but also dried fruit in the nose.
TasteMedium body. Lots of lovey tannins and will of course be much better and develop a lot. Balanced and tasty with a quite lovely and tannic finish. Will be very interesting to follow.
Last tasted4th March 2023Rating this dateVery Good/Impressive
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Fair in Roskilde, Denmark.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB, SS
HouseVista AlegreVintage2020
ColourDark ruby in colour.Number of tastings1
BouquetDark berries such as dark cherry, blueberry and mulberry in the nose and also some lovely floral notes also with some spiciness.
TasteMedium body. Good powerful tannins. Fresh in the mouth with dark berries and some herbs in the taste as well as dark berries. Quite long finish.
Last tasted18th November 2024Rating this dateVery good
CommentTasted at the Port Wine Festival in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersJB, SS
ColourAlmost black in colour.Number of tastings2
BouquetLots of dark berries such as mulberry, dark cherry and black berry but also mature fruit and much more in the nose.
TasteFull-bodied. Wonderful round and elegant tannins. Balanced and very tasty and complex with a long wonderful and exciting finish. What will be? Interesting to follow.
Last tasted23rd April 2024Rating this dateVery Impressive
CommentTasted at the Big Fortified Tasting in London, Great Britain.

Port so young we evaluate only as : Good – Very good- Impressive – Very Impressive
TastersSAI, JB

Last tasted:

20th March
Barros 1983
Burmester 1890
Gonzalez-Byass 1960
Graham 1963
Niepoort 2009
Quinta do Noval Nacional 1980
Wiese & Krohn 1963
16th March
Cockburn 1950
8th March
Vista Alegre 2012
6th March
Fonseca 1985


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